THE GEOPOLITICS OF CHINA: A Great Power Enclosed ContemporaryChina is an island. Although it is not surrounded by water (whichborders only its eastern flank), China is bordered by terrain that isdifficult to traverse in virtually any direction. There are some areasthat can be traversed, but to understand China we must begin byvisualizing the mountains, jungles and wastelands that enclose it. Thisouter shell both contains and protects China.
Internally, China must be divided into two parts: The Chinese heartlandand the non-Chinese buffer regions surrounding it. There is a line inChina called the 15-inch isohyet. On the east side of this line morethan 15 inches of rain fall each year. On the west side annual rainfallis less than that. The bulk of the Chinese population lives east andsouth of this line. This is Han China, the Chinese heartland. It iswhere the vast majority of Chinese live and the home of the ethnic Han,what the world regards as the Chinese. It is important to understandthat over a billion people live in an area about half the size of theUnited States.
The Chinese heartland is divided into twoparts, northern and southern, which in turn is represented by two maindialects, Mandarin in the north and Cantonese in the south. Thesedialects share a writing system but are almost mutuallyincomprehensible when spoken. The Chinese heartland is defined by twomajor rivers -- the Yellow River in the north and the Yangtze in theSouth, along with a third lesser river in the south, the Pearl. Theheartland is China's agricultural region. However -- and this is thesingle most important fact about China -- it has about one-third thearable land per person as the rest of the world. This pressure hasdefined modern Chinese history -- both in terms of living with it andtrying to move beyond it.
A ring of non-Han regions surroundthis heartland -- Tibet, Xinjiang province (home of the MuslimUighurs), Inner Mongolia and Manchuria. These are the buffer regionsthat historically have been under Chinese rule when China was strongand have broken away when China was weak. Today, there is a great dealof Han settlement in these regions, a cause of friction, but today HanChina is strong.
These are also the regions where the historical threat to Chinaoriginated. Han China is a region full of rivers and rain. It istherefore a land of farmers and merchants. The surrounding areas arethe land of nomads and horsemen. In the 13th century, the Mongols under Ghenghis Khan invaded and occupied parts of Han China until the 15thcentury, when the Han reasserted their authority. Following thisperiod, Chinese strategy remained constant: the slow and systematicassertion of control over these outer regions in order to protect theHan from incursions by nomadic cavalry. This imperative drove Chineseforeign policy. In spite of the imbalance of population, or perhapsbecause of it, China saw itself as extremely vulnerable to militaryforces moving from the north and west. Defending a massed population offarmers against these forces was difficult. The easiest solution, theone the Chinese chose, was to reverse the order and impose themselveson their potential conquerors.
There was another reason. Asidefrom providing buffers, these possessions provided defensible borders.With borderlands under their control, China was strongly anchored.Let's consider the nature of China's border sequentially, starting inthe east along the southern border with Vietnam and Myanmar. The borderwith Vietnam is the only border readily traversable by large armies ormass commerce. In fact, as recently as 1975, China and Vietnam fought ashort border war, and there have been points in history when China hasdominated Vietnam. However, the rest of the southern border whereYunnan province meets Laos and Myanmar is hilly jungle, difficult totraverse, with almost no major roads. Significant movement across thisborder is almost impossible. During World War II, the United Statesstruggled to build the Burma Road to reach Yunnan and supply ChiangKai-shek's forces. The effort was so difficult it became legendary.China is secure in this region.
Hkakabo Razi, almost 19,000 feet high, marks the border between China,Myanmar and India. At this point, China's southwestern frontier begins,anchored in the Himalayas. More precisely, it is where Tibet,controlled by China, borders India and the two Himalayan states, Nepaland Bhutan. This border runs in a long ark past Pakistan, Tajikistanand Kirgizstan, ending at Pik Pobedy, a 25,000-foot mountain markingthe border with China, Kirgyzstan and Kazakhstan. It is possible topass through this border region with difficulty; historically, parts ofit have been accessible as a merchant route. On the whole, however, theHimalayas are a barrier to substantial trade and certainly to militaryforces. India and China -- and China and much of Central Asia -- aresealed off from each other.
The one exception is the nextsection of the border, with Kazakhstan. This area is passable but hasrelatively little transport. As the transport expands, this will be themain route between China and the rest of Eurasia. It is the one landbridge from the Chinese island that can be used. The problem isdistance. The border with Kazakhstan is almost a thousand miles fromthe first tier of Han Chinese provinces, and the route passes throughsparsely populated Muslim territory, a region that has posedsignificant challenges to China. Importantly, the Silk Road from Chinaran through Xinjiang and Kazakhstan on its way west. It was the onlyway to go.
There is, finally, the long northern border first with Mongolia andthen with Russia, running to the Pacific. This border is certainlypassable. Indeed, the only successful invasion of China took place whenMongol horseman attacked from Mongolia, occupying a good deal of HanChina. China's buffers -- Inner Mongolia and Manchuria -- haveprotected Han China from other attacks. The Chinese have not attackednorthward for two reasons. First, there has historically not been muchthere worth taking. Second, north-south access is difficult. Russia hastwo rail lines running from the west to the Pacific -- the famousTrans-Siberian Railroad (TSR) and the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), whichconnects those two cities and ties into the TSR. Aside from that, thereis no east-west ground transportation linking Russia. There is also nonorth-south transportation. What appears accessible really is not.
Thearea in Russia that is most accessible from China is the regionbordering the Pacific, the area from Russia's Vladivostok toBlagoveschensk. This region has reasonable transport, population andadvantages for both sides. If there were ever a conflict between Chinaand Russia, this is the area that would be at the center of it. It isalso the area, as you move southward and away from the Pacific, thatborders on the Korean Peninsula, the area of China's last majormilitary conflict.
Then there is the Pacific coast, which hasnumerous harbors and has historically had substantial coastal trade. Itis interesting to note that, apart from the attempt by the Mongols toinvade Japan, and a single major maritime thrust by China into theIndian Ocean -- primarily for trade and abandoned fairly quickly --China has never been a maritime power. Prior to the 19thcentury, it had not faced enemies capable of posing a naval threat and,as a result, it had little interest in spending large sums of money onbuilding a navy.
China, when it controls Tibet, Xinjiang,Inner Mongolia and Manchuria, is an insulated state. Han China has onlyone point of potential friction, in the southeast with Vietnam. Otherthan that it is surrounded by non-Han buffer regions that it haspolitically integrated into China. There is a second friction point ineastern Manchuria, touching on Siberia and Korea. There is, finally, asingle opening into the rest of Eurasia on the Xinjiang-Kazakh border.
China's most vulnerable point, since the arrival of Europeans in the western Pacific in the mid-19thcentury, has been its coast. Apart from European encroachments in whichcommercial interests were backed up by limited force, China sufferedits most significant military encounter -- and long and miserable war-- after the Japanese invaded and occupied large parts of eastern Chinaalong with Manchuria in the 1930s. Despite the mismatch in militarypower and more than a dozen years of war, Japan still could not forcethe Chinese government to capitulate. The simple fact was that HanChina, given its size and population density, could not be subdued. Nomatter how many victories the Japanese won, they could not decisivelydefeat the Chinese.
China is hard to invade; given its sizeand population, it is even harder to occupy. This also makes it hardfor the Chinese to invade others -- not utterly impossible, but quitedifficult. Containing a fifth of the world's population, China can wallitself off from the world, as it did prior to the United Kingdom'sforced entry in the 19th century and as it did under MaoZedong. All of this means China is a great power, but one that has tobehave very differently than other great powers.