P3-866 14.1TFT 20G DVD 16M显示卡 56K 100M 128M
ThinkPad T23 PIII 866MHz
Model: 26475I54 Mobile Intel PIII Processor 866MHz
128MB/1GB PC 133 SDRAM
16MB SGRAM (S3 Tristar 64C)
14.1'' TFT XGA+ (1024x768) Display
20GB High Speed Hard Disk
8X -2.3X DVD-ROM UltraBay 2000 Drive
Diskette drive (swapable with other Ultrabay2000 Devices)
Size - 12.0'' x 9.8'' x 1.3''
Battery Type / Life : Li-lon/3 hrs
Travel Weight / with optical drive : 4.9lb / 5.5lb
3 years Limited Warranty
Integrated 56K V.90 modem, 10/100 Ethernet
ThinkLight keyboard light