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~~~Roxette - Queen O [复制链接]


~~~Roxette - Queen Of Rain~~~【兔兔推荐】


    发迹於1980年代晚期瑞典的Roxette,1989年因『The Look』而备受流行乐迷瞩目,之後推出1991年的白金专辑「Joyride」,Roxette在排行榜上攀升至前所未有的高峰。



Roxette - Queen Of Rain

In that big big house
there are fifty doors
and one of them leads to your heart.
In the time of spring
I passed your gate
and tried to make a start.
All I knew
was the scent of sea and dew
but I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life,
a time to kill the pain in life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

In that big old house
there are fifty beds
and one of them leads to your soul.
It's a bed of fear,
a bed of threats,
regrets and sheets so cold.
All I knew your eyes so velvet blue,
I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life...

Time went by
as I wrote your name in the sky,
fly fly away,
bye bye.

It's time to place your bets in life,
I've played the loser's game of life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

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