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I live the flank in Suzhou's originally In home contain house also there is land, The life is very happy Who know of Bohu Tang, He is Ferocious Do not stay pass Collaborate with Government, law not in the eyes ,Rob my house Occupy my land My grandpa with and he to turn over face, Cruel he Use Wooden rod Beat Become Slice My grandmother scolds him to cheat well people, Were grasped Send to Tang's house Fuck 100 time,100 time! Finally She suicide Leave hate in the World And He Let My father and I, Expel from the home, Wander with River's side I for keeping the father, Only have Oneself Want to person Beg rice At Temple Front Who know that Bohu Tang, he True Too Cunning Know this Affairs, Send the person On the avenue the madness contuses My father and I My body is Strong, The life Get conservancy, Wretchedness Old father's soul Fly to in the sky For the sake of Bury Old dad, Only have Sell the body to become the slave Belittle oneself diligence make
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