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Lonely Soldier [复制链接]


Lonely Soldier

[mp3]http://yunfengzhou.castpost.com/Lonely Soldier.mp3[/mp3]

Lonely Soldier go home,
Lonely, but never alone..
Good eyes, see nothing to shoot
Good feet, feel good, givin' up good boots

So, ask your father how'd you fall
Ask your father how'd you fall
Like a leaf, sitting on the ground
Good for nothing, except kicking around..

She died with her hand stretched out
She died with a hungry mouth
She died with her mind full of doubt
and thoughts of weakening..
And so may your river never dry
May your mouth never lie
May you be satisfied to never know why
Sometimes, someone just wants to die...

Where did you get those cuts on your hand?
I thought I told you, by playin in the sand
There's always someone careless with glass
There's always questions that you don't wanna ask

She died with her hand stretched out
She died with a hungry mouth
She died with her mind full of doubt
and thoughts of weakening..
And so may your river never dry
May your mouth never lie
May you be satisfied to never know why
Sometimes, someone just wants to die...

So Lonely Soldier go home,
Lonely, but never alone..
Good eyes, see nothing to shoot
Good feet, feel good, givin' up good boots
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slowly soilders????!!!!!
2006---sweet dreams-----no nightmare~!
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