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Wife or Hoar??? [复制链接]


回复:Wife or Hoar???

No support for marriage on a hooker review board - what a surprise.

回复:Wife or Hoar???

Well actually most husbands are "johns" - ask any man and most will tell you we pay for sex in relationships. We pay for the first date in order to have the "pleasure" of a womans company??? Since when is she the "prize" and I'm not? Most women I date I have done more in my life and I make alot more money - In terms of contribution to society and production I am worth more. When you first meet a woman they will run a series of tests on you - does he open the door, is he taller than me, does he drive a nice car, have a job, then they will ask you questions to "trap" you - the "list" is literally 10 pages long. Then the mental anguish of dealing with the rollercoaster ride of a womans emotions - up and down - nevermind who likes to be the boss and tell you what to do and how things should be, what you can or can't do, - or else forget getting sex - or deal with her emotional drama that comes with not getting her way. So we pay for the dates, we pay for the emotional drama of being with a woman, the vacations, the cars, the kids, the house, and what do we get? Either we become pussies - yes dear... because we know no - means a week of hell. Women run relationships pure and simple and either they can be nice to us or not - and most are not. I honestly think women bring on mens committment issues themselves - I mean who would want to commit to 95% of the women of today. Yes 5% are not like the way I have portrayed - but my experiences with true gems have been few and far between. Being a player for a man and moving from woman to the next makes so much more sense than settling down. Someone above mentioned meeting your dream girl as changing all of that - well again I have news for you - women can be very very nice to you if they want something from you. I get that alot from women. But deviate one iota off their little plan for you... and Most women I know can go from soft femine and cooing to bitch in about 5 secs flat. Women will never be independant of men - they like our money, status and power to much - hence why most of them are all "whores".

回复:Wife or Hoar???

Ya know, and far be it from me to judge - since by all accounts I am a prick....but there sure does seem to be a whole big double standard here from some of the customers - labelling the ladies whore's etc. saying all women want is the money..... Now again, just a thought but I submit that if you use someone's services, you are on the same moral footing as the person supplying the service.....or does that make it hard for some people to look in the mirror??

回复:Wife or Hoar???

What's a hoar?

回复:Wife or Hoar???

maybe a hoar is like a wild boar? A carzy "wild hoar" fucked me in half last night?

回复:Wife or Hoar???

some of the comments in this thread are a bit 'over-the-top'! however, for me, I have to say that I am seriously happy being single and enjoying the FANTASTIC women who I have met in this business! and while there are some aspects of a 'relationship' that I do miss, there is a lot that I really don't miss either. I certainly don't understand how a woman's mind works when it comes to relationships, but trading my sanity, self-respect, and space for some sex is not worth it anymore. If I want my ass-kicked i'll call Veronica and have it done professionally ... __________________

回复:Wife or Hoar???

I have to put this up somewhere - I honestly couldn't have put it any better myself. Thank you.

回复:Wife or Hoar???

One has to take into consideration the raising of children. That first and foremost should probably be the primary reason for marriage. If there are no children involved one has to question what function marriage serves other than for companionship. I won't go so far as to say free sex as nothing in this world is free..and for most marriages the cost of sex becomes exorbitant based on a frequency point of view. I also know that a lot of men on here share the view that a definition of a woman is a life support system for a cunt. Having said all of that, I truly believe that it is possible and there are many examples of great and lasting friendships between a man and a woman that often includes sex. If the couple feels more secure having it wrapped up in the form of a marriage, then so much the better for them. If you are equating love with sex, marriage is certainly not a needed factor.

回复:Wife or Hoar???

I still believe the perfect wife is one who fucks for a living. From her perspective, she is much more knowledgeable and aware of the intricacies and complexities of keeping a man's equipment satisfied. And he's far more likely to be satisfied in the long run when the said equipment is regularly attended to. Oh yeah, so what's a "hoar" anyway? *looks up dictionary.com* hoar adj : showing characteristics of age, especially having gray or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar" Coleridge: "nodded his hoary head"

回复:Wife or Hoar???

This is very true. Many-a-well-intentioned lover has exchanged vows with the single minded perpose of a "full life" only to become mortal enemies some time later. That happens with such regularity that it can not be ignored in a discussion like this.
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