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用于拿到C840 了,强!强!强! [复制链接]

最初由 benettonsport 发布
1. It doesn't make much sense. If you are not a frequent traveller, you won't lug it over your shoulders constantly and therefore portability is not your primary concern, what good is a spare battery?
2. If you're a really a performance-seeker as you claim, I'm skeptical about how long this one will last since anything in the technical world is obsoletely antiquated in three months. What will you do then? Trash this dell and get a new one? Hopefully you won't drain your wallet.
3. Dell is reportedly a winner in terms of performance. And I think that's probably because they always choose the best parts available out there. As for the service department, I'd say the experience varies from one to another. Plus, it makes utterly no sense to me if all the components are assmebled into a boring box even if they are supposed to give you the most power. But don't get me wrong either. Personally I advocate diversity and I think it undeniable that every single laptop has its own assets.

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