最近发觉开机速度奇慢。用虫虫给的光盘从重装也一样。有一次从HP logon到winxp界面竟然用三分钟。用HP自带的诊断工具: Diagnostics for Windows测试硬盘.有一项测试是fail的.信息如下:
Hard Drive 1: Extended Offline SelfTest:test failed, error code: 017037004
Failure: This test takes longer than expected to finish.
Time of Error: 9:07PM 12/7/2004
Diagnostics for Windows 4.11 A
Recommended Action:
Retest the hard drive or Check with the hard drive vendor:
本人配置是NC6000 1.6G高配版日立5480 40G硬盘 内存512M,显卡ATI9600 54M.购于9月份。操作系统:winxp +SP2
[ Last edited by xiaoqi7 on 2004-12-7 at 09:46 PM ]