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CV和Covering Letter的例 [复制链接]


CV和Covering Letter的例子!


这里发一下我朋友写的CV和Covering Letter,确实帮他找到了工作。希望对大家有帮助,有什么意见大家也可以提出来。

Dear Sir/Madam:
I've just read your ad on the paper, I'm very interested in join a team like your orgnization that can improve myself with experinces and skills.
I love to play a role as a Network Engineer, I have very good personality and excellent communication skills, also my solid skills with computer and network support me to do the best job.
Even with my limited business experinces, it's my hope that my solid academic and can do attitude can make a value to your business.
I would sincerely like to be pat of your team and I will not let you down.


记住,Covering Letter越短越白话越好,把意思表示明白就可以了。



Personal Details

Name: Someone
Gender: Male
Residence: Somewhere
Tel: 123456789
Mob: 02********

Qualifications Summary:

National Diploma In Computing Level 5
CompTIA A+ Certificate
MCSE2000 (Microsoft Certified System Engineer)
MCSA2000 (Microsoft Certified System Administrator)

It’s the MBA of the IT industry…..These credentials are the premier certification for professionals who analyze the business requirements and design and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Environments.
The MCSE Certificate is probably the most widely recognized and credible certification available.
With MCSE certification comes credibility and qualified technical skills.

Core Competencies

Self Motivated . Cope with a sudden crisis
Communication . Problem solving
Personal presentation . Flexibility/Adaptability
Punctuality – Reliability . Self- awareness
International/Cross Culture . Commitment/Motivation
Customer services . Interpersonal Skills
Team Work . Research Skills
Memory retention . Shift work at short notice

NZ Work Experiences

Name Of Firm: High Tech Gaming Centre (internet Café)
Position Held: Technician
Main Job Function: Troubleshoot system and hardware problems Install and configure games and applications, Manage the LAN network.

Name Of Firm: High Tech Computer Ltd.
Position Held: Retailer
Main Job functions: Communicate with customers and assemble their PC, Manage customer services enquiries from customers.

Name Of Firm: Total Assets Management
Position Held: Assets Auditor
Main Job Functions: Use PDA scan the barcode and do the data entry. Synchronize data between PDA and laptop computers. Communicate with clients.

Personal Interests and Hobbies

I love water sports, and also I’m a very strong swimmer, I like go to the gym on weekend and definitely one movie per-week in the cinema. I like reading mainly information books, I like and books that can teach me and further my skills I have just finished reading “ Why People don’t by things” “Customer Services”.
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Resume和Cover Letter的写法不是这么简单的
Name Of Firm: Total Assets Management
Position Held: Assets Auditor
Main Job Functions: Use PDA scan the barcode and do the data entry. Synchronize data between PDA and laptop computers. Communicate with clients.

其实找工作心态很重要。记得在外企做的时候,里面每个人都牛X烘烘的。等出来找不到工作了,又立刻觉得自己啥都不是。等找到好的了,又再次牛X起来了。其实说白了还是那水平。在高位的人容易犯妄自尊大的毛病,当失去那一切的时候又容易妄自菲薄。 当我们谈及稳定房价的ZF作用时:魏文王问名医扁鹊说:「你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?」 扁鹊答说:「长兄最好,中兄次之,我最差。」 文王再问:「那么为什么你最出名呢?」扁鹊答说:「我长兄治病,是治病于病情发作之前。由于一般人不知道他事先能铲除病因,所以他的名气无法传出去,只有我们家的人才知道。我中兄治病,是治病于病情初起之时。一般人以为他只能治轻微的小病,所以他的名气只及于本乡里。而我扁鹊治病,是治病于病情严重之时。一般人都看到我在经脉上穿针管来放血、在皮肤上敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。」 文王说:「你说得好极了。」 等到错误的决策造成了重大的损失才寻求弥补,有时是亡羊补牢,为时已晚。 但表面看来贡献很大。
Cover Letter Styles for 4 Job Search Strategies

The cover letter is essential for creating a positive first impression. Additionally it answers questions such as:
Why should I bother reading one more resume?
What’s this applicant’s interest level?
How is this prospective candidate unique?

Unlike a resume, which usually remains unchanged, cover letters should be customized according to each of the four basic job search strategies:

1.    Cover letters responding to job postings.

    When ever possible, address the letter to a specific person rather than Dear sir or madam or To whom it may concern. Don’t be afraid to call the company for the name of the recipient. The worst they will do is not give you the name.
    Match your letter to the job description by using the key words and phrases found in the ad. Where applicable, list point by point how you match the requirements of the position.
    Provide accomplishments that illustrate the level of your qualifications, but do not state word for word from your resume. Avoid redundancy.
    Avoid over use of the word “I”. Translate “I” sentences into “You” or ”Your” sentences. For example, turn “I am interested in the position...” into “Your company will benefit from my experiences as...”

2.    Cover letters proactively sent to your target market of employers.

This strategy involves first defining a group of companies or organizations most likely interested in your background and expertise then contacting hiring managers to let them know of your availability. The Reference Librarian at your local library is a valuable source of information on how to research your target companies.

    When ever possible, address your letter to the hiring manager rather than HR. Again, this may require a phone call to sleuth out the information, but could yield great results.
    Start the letter off indicating your knowledge and interest of the company. Give the reader reason to believe that you haven’t just pulled their name out of a hat.
    List briefly your qualifications and accomplishments and the position you’re offering to fill. * Again, use “I” sparingly.
    End your letter with a promise to call by a certain day. Since this is a proactive contact, it is up to the job seeker to initiate phone contact.

While the target market strategy is time consuming it often yields surprising results. A job lead discovered through proactive methods means little or no competition from other job seekers.

3.    Cover letters sent to recruiters and headhunters.

Most recruiters and headhunters specialize by industry or job type. For maximum effectiveness, target only headhunters who specialize in your field. Since the best way to contact them is through email, your letter will take the form of an email note accompanying your attached Word formatted resume. A brief cover letter (or note) is essential to make sure the recruiter opens and reads your resume before storing in an electronic resume storage database. For best results:

    Keep the note short. One or two paragraphs should suffice. Most recruiters are paid on commission and work under heavy production quotas; they don’t have the time or patience for lengthy letters of introduction.
    Your note should read somewhat like a resume summary statement full of key-word qualifications. An example might sound something like, “My background includes 15 years of VP-level management in the telecom industry specializing in start-up of new divisions and building consensus across departments.”
    Don’t end your note with a promise to call. The recruiter will call you when he / she has an available position. As a former headhunter, I can testify that nothing annoys a recruiter more than unsolicited phone calls from job seekers. To get your relationship with recruiters off to the right start, let them contact you. Working through headhunters is a numbers game. The more qualified recruiters you contact the better your chances are of finding great job leads. Don’t minimize your efforts by contacting only those in your geographic area. Recruiters and headhunters who specialize in a given industry usually work nationally and sometimes internationally.

Investing in a resume distribution service that allows you to target recruiters by specialty increases your efforts exponentially.

4.    Contacting your professional network.

The term resu-letter may or may not have originated with Jeffrey Fox, author of “Don’t Send a Resume”, but it’s where I first read of the concept. A resu-letter combines the elements of both a cover letter and a resume. A resu-letter allows a job seeker to get the word to his or her professional network without sounding desperate to find a new job. This letter is especially nice for those conducting a confidential search while still employed. Usually this letter is send as an email. A hard-copy resu-letter may seem to stiff and formal for networking purposes.

A few pointers on writing a great resu-letter are:

    Keep the tone casual, after all, this letter is sent to people with whom you have a first name relationship, but be careful not to relax your grammar and spelling.
    This letter should contain all the selling points of your resume without sounding like a commercial.
    Ideally, the recipient will pass your letter on to others who may be interested in your qualifications, so write the letter with other readers in mind. With competition for good jobs at an all-time high, job seekers can’t afford to cut corners in their written communication. The extra time and effort taken to customize your cover letters goes a long way toward placing you at the top of the candidate pile.
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