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Caroline - Where's M [复制链接]


Caroline - Where's My Love


Caroline - Where's My Love

Where's my love
The one for me
Somewhere too far
Not close enough for me to see

Where's my love
Who could you be
Someone I knew but
Let slip through
While dreaming of you

Oh love, Oh love
Come to me

Where's my love
Give me a clue
Give me a time
Show me a place
I might find you

Where's my love
Don't hide from me
I'll be good to you
I will...honestly

Oh love, Oh love
Come to me

Where's my love
The one for me
Somewhere too far
Not close enough for me to see

Where's my love
And now I see
Hoping someday you'll
Bring our lovely ending

Oh love, Oh love
Come to me
Oh love, Oh love
Come to me


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