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X200,T400等新机型的声卡驱动更新了,修复了一堆BUG,比如待机后恢复声音不正常,等等等等 [复制链接]

http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-70595 (Vista) / (XP)
(Fix) Corrected the name of support device from "Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221" to "Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD".
(Fix) Fixed an issue that caused errors in Beam Forming function with Tablet Shortcut Menu utility.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where sound might not be audible after resuming normal operation from standby.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where the SmartAudio II icon in the task tray was unresponsive after resuming normal operation from standby or hibernation state when "Run In System Tray" was enabled on Windows XP.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where the SmartAudio II icon in the task tray disappeared after restarting the computer when "Run In System Tray" was enabled.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where the Audio Director Volume Mixer might show multiple output devices and a microphone in classic mode after reset on Windows Vista.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where language settings were not saved after restart.
(Fix) Fixed an issue that changed the volume level every time switched between Classic and Multistream mode on Windows Vista.
(Fix) Fixed an issue that did not restore default settings after reset on the audio menus.
(Fix) Fixed an issue where an error message was displayed when SmartAudio icon was double-clicked in Control Panel.
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