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dido - 2004/10/6 20:23:00
[mp3] dion/98r.wma[/mp3]

Celine Dion - Where Is The Love  
If ever a boy stood on the moon All the heavens would call there angels round Stop the tears from troubled skies from falling If ever the river could whisper you name Would the choices you make still be the same Like a flower that dies from angry rain Why do we hurt ourselves? Where is the love That lets the sunlight in to start again A love That sees no color lines Life that begins with love So spread your wings and fly Guide your spirit safe and sheltered A thousand dreams that we can still believe If ever a boy stood on the moon Carrying all of his treasures from the stars To a rainbow which leads to where we are Together we chase the sun Where is the love That lifts my brothers voice to the skies A love That answers a mother's cry Life begins with love So spread your wings and fly Guide your spirit safe and sheltered A thousand dreams that we can still believe A boy stood on the moon The ancient souls can still discover A thousand dreams that we can still believe We can still believe....

Let's Talk About Love专辑介绍:
    1996年,随着专辑"Falling Into You"的成功发布,席琳牢牢地确立她在当代女歌手中的霸主地位。1997年发行的专辑"Let's Talk About Love"精选了15首席琳的惊世之作,之所以如此精彩,是因为它的制作加盟了当今音乐界最强大的力量。理所当然,这一次席琳再次引起了全世界音乐圈的广泛关注,而"Let's Talk About Love"也象一颗明珠,立刻成为了流行音乐的焦点。这张专辑的录制分别在伦敦,纽约和洛杉矶三地完成,它最引人注目之处在于很多最著名的制作人,歌作者与歌手的加入,他们是如此的闪亮,这往往使人们忽视了专辑本身的亮点。

  "Tell Him"是专辑中的第一首单曲,与席琳合唱这首歌的是在影视界与音乐界都很有名气的传奇人物----芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)。两副天生的好嗓子,加上歌曲中真实的生活意境,没人能不为之动容。

  "The Reason"就完全给"Let's Talk About Love"的风格下了定义。这首歌由Carole King谱写。制作人是昔日的传奇乐队"披头士"的制作人George Martin先生。歌曲的全部录制工作在伦敦著名的Air Studios完成。

  "Immortality"是专辑的第3首歌,写作由Barry Gibb和the Bee Gees共同担纲,the Bee Gees甚至参加了歌曲的和声。这是一首意境甚美,感人至深的民谣,由Walter A.制作,录制在纽约的the Hit Factory。

  "Treat Her Like A Lady"是一首节奏明快的舞曲,它给专辑注入了一丝鲜亮,我们仿佛看见席琳在舞池里热舞。这首歌的创作队伍里包括了Diana King。它同样录制在纽约的the Hit Factory,由Ric Wake制作。

  "I Hate You Then I Love You"是一首老歌新唱。早在60年代,意大利明星Tony Renis凭着它成功的走向世界。今天,席琳用她独一无二的嗓音真情演绎这首歌,赋予了它新的涵义。与席琳合唱这首歌的是现今意大利的超级明星----Luciano Pavarotti。

  标题曲"Let's Talk About Love"由加拿大老牌名歌手Bryan Adams与法国巨星Jean Jacques Goldman共同执笔,制作人是David Foster。虽是一首附加曲,但这首高难度的民谣再一次证明了席琳非凡的唱功。George Martin在制作这首歌时运用了他的"披头士制作手法"(包括吉他伴奏与童声合唱),赋予了这首歌魔术般的旋律。

  "Where Is The Love"和"Miles To Go(Before I Sleep)"都是由新力音乐的资深老臣Corey Hart谱写,他是席琳的同胞。


[ Last edited by dido on 2004-10-6 at 08:32 PM ]
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