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CALER - 2004/10/18 3:36:00
Chris Rea 克里斯里亚
20年的唱作生涯,克里斯里亚淡然迷醉的蓝调摇滚风,借着18张专辑吹动2000万乐迷的心坎,他的歌声与音符轻柔飞越类型音乐的界限,连位在地中海西部的国际派对之都Ibiza的DJ Jose Padilla(代表专辑计划「Cafe Del Mar」)早在80年代初就开始以为克里斯里亚的歌曲作混音为荣,另一位王牌DJ Paul Oakenfold 将'85年的畅销作"Josephine"衬上动感彩衣,更是Ibiza的舞曲国歌之一,克里斯里亚对于这座对音乐、举止、国籍、性别与年龄都有着两极化态度的城市,也有一点渊源,在摇滚乐团Pink Floyd与导演罗曼波兰斯基叱咤风云的70年代,当时仍在为音乐挣扎的克里斯里亚与艺术学院高材生的妻子Joan来到Ibiza比邻的小岛Formentera,岛上自成一格的生活方式对里亚的音乐唱作产生深远的影响,经过'99年专辑「The Road To Hell Part 2」的电子实验挑战与为电影「La Passione」制作音乐后,2000年发行的专辑【King Of The Beach】就是他重返传统Ibiza无拘束自在空间精神的作品,乐界甚至推举这是他个人近十年的最佳专辑。

万里无云的蔚蓝海岸,克里斯里亚如浪迹天涯的吟唱诗人的歌声,泛起轻柔的叙事民谣情韵,新专辑【King Of The Beach】体现最自然的忘忧情趣,撩起心海最浪漫的迷恋思绪,一篇篇诗意盎然的美丽歌谣翩然地带着感伤与喜悦牵绊的心飘荡到九霄云外,而他那与Eric Clapton、Mark Knofler并驾齐驱的吉他意境自是歌声诗篇里绝佳的感应,在加勒比海Turks与Caicos群岛的创作环境下,蓝调、灵魂乐、福音都在精巧玲珑的编排之中,让情境益加生动且雀跃,经历2000年初的胰脏炎手术,克里斯里亚咸认自己已经蜕变成一个虔诚的佛教徒,涌在心头的情绪多了一份更超然的感觉,从"All Summer Long"、"Still Beautiful"到"Waiting For A Blue Sky",克里斯里亚感性云游的歌声,乘着乐迷心灵随想的双翼,恣意的奔向天际。

Oh Marvin,
Seems so long
But I still remember you
I would have given everything
If I could have talked to you
For just one small moment
In the quiet of the day
You took my pain away
Oh Marvin
The one who wanted,
The one that could not stay
With a flash of illusion
Oh the big one that got away
Just one small moment
In the quiet of the day
You took my pain away
Oh Marvin
Oh Marvin
Oh how we miss you
Oh how we wish somehow
I could hold onto your wings
And fly away
Because the pain you knew
Was the pain I knew too
Misunderstood like the
thorn of a rose
Before the summer came,
Your beauty washed away
Like pretty petals in the wind and rain

最美的风景永远在路上,车在山道上一圈圈飞旋,雨滴轻声落在玻璃上,缀着窗外满眼满眼的绿意湿漉漉地滑翔而过,带去生的迹象。这时间Chris Rea浑厚充满磁性的嗓音在这首里让人感动,人在旅途转瞬间的春天即已过去...


Looking For The Summer
Look deep into the April face
A change is clearly taking place
Looking for the summer

The eyes take on a certain gaze
And leave behind the springtime days
Go looking for the summer

This ain''t no game of kiss and tell
The implications how you knew so well
Go looking for the summer

The time has come and they must go
To play the passion out that haunts you so
Looking for the summer

Remember love how it was the same
We scratched and hurt each other''s growing pains
We were looking for the summer

And still I stand this very day
With a burning wish to fly away
I''m still looking, looking for the summer

Blue Street

Road To Hell

Someday My Peace Will Come

Stony Road

Easy Rider

Dancing The Blues Away

Dov’s II Signore

Heading For The City
jmh007 - 2004/10/19 22:47:00
走走停停 - 2004/10/19 23:20:00
TANGO - 2004/11/13 14:42:00
查看完整版本: Chris Rea 克里斯里亚