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dido - 2004/10/31 20:47:00
就没找到个好点的,本来想贴Telling stories的,结果都没找到:n19:

[rm][/rm]崔西查普曼 TRACY CHAPMAN

Tracy Chapman,當代樂壇上最有份量的歌手/詞曲作家之一。1988年,Tracy以獲葛萊美獎肯定的多白金同名專輯,開啟了她的音樂旅程,其後,1989年的多白金專輯「Crossroads」、與1992年的「Matters Of The Heart」專輯,突顯了她是現代樂壇最獨特的聲音之一。樂評對她的推崇,在1995年的多白金唱片「New Beginning」發行後達到極點,該張專輯中的11首歌,由Tracy與Don Gehman所製作,獲許多樂評肯定為當年最佳專輯之一,其中的Give Me One Reason一曲,則為她拿下了第四座葛萊美獎。如今,Tracy Chapman的第五張專輯「Telling Stories」(故事的真相)就要發行,她的音樂旅程將再度延續下去。

Tracy樂於挑戰自己的態度,形成了她在製作新專輯「Telling Stories」時的方法,她表示:「當我在做一張專輯時,我的目標就是盡目前所能,呈現出最棒的成果,錄製的每一個步驟中,我都試著貫徹這樣的想法。我為此專輯構思了一個概念,所有的歌曲都將以歌聲與吉他為主導,在進錄音室之前,我已擬好了編曲與合音的部份(Emmylou Harris為The Only One擔任合音),所以進錄音室後,我們只要找到合適的方法,呈現出我的構想就可以了。」

為了讓此構想實現,Tracy Chapman邀請了她長期合作搭檔David Kershenbaum參與這張專輯,他曾製作過Tracy的頭兩張專輯。Tracy說:「我們倆合作無間,當我與他聊天時,他談到在音樂製作方面,他一直在從事技術上的革新,我對此很有興趣,認為這將會契合我的構想。我們兩個之所以合作無間,一方面是我們都盡所能呈現歌曲,另一方面,在現代科技與很多舊設備的幫助下,我們也試著讓專輯盡可能的高傳真。」

兩人的努力成就了多首讓人過耳難忘的作品,像是鼓點伴奏連續精彩的It's OK;融合獨特編曲手法與Tracy動人說故事本領的標題曲Telling Stories。「David讓錄製的過程變的比較簡單,我們彼此激勵對方做到更好,而不是安於現狀。」Tracy說。

Tracy對社會現象的洞察力,也在歌曲中透露出來,帶有預言意味的Nothing Yet,省思了黑人在美國的進展,一針見血的歌詞from 40 acres to a 40 ounce ,伴隨著紮實鏗鏘的吉他弦音,撼動聽者的心。


Tracy Chapman從不害怕坦承自己的心聲。她在俄亥俄州的克利夫蘭長大,自8歲起就開始創作歌曲,獲獎學金進入康乃迪克州知名Wooster School就讀,在Tufts大學拿到人類學學位後畢業。她在Harvard Square街頭,以及附近俱樂部、咖啡廳中的演出,使她獲得樂壇人士的注意。1988年發行了傑出的首張專輯,經典作品Fast Car吸引了整個流行樂壇的焦點,此張專輯銷售量超過了一千萬張,也為Tracy拿下葛萊美最佳新進藝人等三項大獎。

Tracy現場演出的紮實功力,不斷為她的演唱事業贏得喝采,她曾親自參與許多搖滾樂壇最盛大的現場演唱會,包括國際特赦組織的人權巡迴演唱會、紀念曼德拉的倫敦自由音樂會、Bob Dylan三十週年演唱會、莉莉絲音樂節等。最近,Tracy則參加了在芝加哥舉行的Beastie Boys Tibetan Freedom Festival (野獸男孩西藏自由音樂節),以及在牙買加舉行的Bob Marly One Love Tribute。

Tracy Chapman擅長在衝突的事件中,仍保持同情憐憫的態度,在Paper And Ink一曲中可見一般,「這首歌描寫的是事物虛幻的本質,我們(這_指的是廣泛普遍的「人類」)怎麼能如此堅信一些事情,而不相信其他的事,我們對『真實』與否的看法,可以毀滅我們,也可以拯救我們。我們為何能相信每天碰觸面對的東西,不論是一張紙,或是一塊鐵,但是卻不相信這世界建構的大理論。」

此專輯的標題曲Telling Stories涵蓋了多層次的意思,捕捉到Tracy作品中敏感微妙、錯縱複雜的兩面,她說「它的意思可指說一個謊話,或是一個特別的告白,而以另一種層面來說,它也表示了我們所說所寫的事,不一定都是真實的,對說者而言,或許是真的,但是它可能並非全然真實。」

Tracy無畏無懼的真知遠見,與她歌曲中所透露的社會關懷,使她通過時間的考驗而屹立歌壇不搖,她對「真實」的追求,貫徹了新專輯「Telling Stories」,引發所有聽眾發自內心的情感共鳴,也使得此輯成為她至今最震撼人心的作品。

[ Last edited by dido on 2004-10-31 at 08:48 PM ]

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dido - 2004/10/31 20:49:00

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dido - 2004/10/31 20:53:00
Tracy Chapman is one of the most socially relevant songwriters of our time, and has become one of our generation's most unique voices.
Since 1988, when she first burst onto the scene with her stirring arrangements and powerful wordplay, the music world has reserved a special place for each and every Chapman release. Whether it was the startling sincerity of her multi-platinum Tracy Chapman debut, which featured the now classic, "Fast Car," or the subsequent Crossroads and Matters of the Heart (which featured the critically acclaimed "Bang Bang Bang") she has always shared with her audience stories that matter, songs that ring true.

And so it is with her latest album, New Beginning. Produced by Don Gehman and Tracy, the new record, like all Chapman efforts, relies on the integrity of Tracy's writing, but finds her at a point of departure in her approach to recording. "I had the idea of making this record in a much different manner that I had in the past," she says. "I wanted to stay close to home and use musicians from the [San Francisco] Bay area. I wanted to put together a band that would be my recording band as well as my touring band. I felt that this approach would give me the space I needed to grow musically and a comfortable setting to develop arrangements for the songs and a working relationship with the musicians," she says. To further develop the close-knit relationship with her band, Tracy toured with her assembled musicians prior to working on the album.

This is also the first time Tracy has worked with noted producer Don Gehman. "I wanted to work with someone I hadn't worked with in the past. I also wanted to work with someone who had experience working with bands," Tracy explains. "The band and I liked Don from the start. He seemed to fit in as if he were the seventh member of the band."

This sense of kinship was essential in capturing the spirit of the songs that make up New Beginning. The album was recorded virtually live in the studio and features eleven new songs in subtle arrangements that bring out the immediacy of her melodies and the depth of her emotions. "Some of the songs are dealing with issues we are facing in the world right now like the degradation of the natural environment and the lack of freedom, justice, love and honesty," she says passionately. "We're at a place right now, approaching the new century where we could find new solutions to old problems that are still plaguing society."

Highlights include the uplifting "Heaven's Here On Earth," the romantic "Smoke and Ashes," the delicate, longing "The Promise," and the spiritual "I'm Ready."

Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Chapman lived with her mother until awarded a scholarship to a private school in Connecticut, and eventually to Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. It was there she began to sing on the streets of Harvard Square and perform in area coffeehouses and nightclubs. Little did anyone know that only a few years later, the amazing success of "Fast Car" would focus the entire pop world's attention on her. The debut album sold over 10 million copies worldwide, and saw her pick up three Grammies at the 1989 Awards. She has also participated in some of rock's most legendary live events, including Amnesty International's Human Rights Tour, London's Freedomfest honoring Nelson Mandela, and the Concert honoring Bob Dylan's 30th Anniversary.

Included in the new album's artwork is an offer for fans to get a free packet of seeds if they bring the coupon to a Tracy Chapman concert. The cover art, which is printed on a scanned image of Tracy's handmade paper, was shot at an organic farm in California. "Many of the songs on New Beginning share the themes of change, growth and renewal," Tracy says. "I wanted to do the photography for the album at an organic farm because I wanted to extend this metaphor for growth. I thought it would be perfect to be where all these life affirming things are growing. I wanted to incorporate these images as a way of getting people to think about the potential and possibilities that exist even in something as small as a seed."

As a singer and songwriter, few artists can match Tracy Chapman's gentle but passionate vibrato, her literate lyrical compassion and her uncompromising stance. Tracy Chapman's New Beginning marks the auspicious return of one of the most compelling artists of our times.


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CALER - 2004/10/31 21:04:00
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