blowingwind - 2004/11/4 15:08:00
"The Bridges of Madison Country", 这是一部在我大学毕业那年非常走红的大片,最近又重温了一遍克林特·伊斯特伍德和梅丽尔·斯特里普在的表演,当我看着女主人公隔着车窗望着雨中男主人公模糊的身影时,这段旋律响起,我的眼前居然也有些模糊了。。。
Many people search this for all their life but cannot find it
What you and I have could not continue if we were together, what Richard and I share would vanish, if we were apart...
[ Last edited by blowingwind on 2004-11-4 at 03:26 PM ]
走走停停 - 2004/11/4 16:14:00