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cloud_zhou - 2006/5/14 12:52:00
Foobar2000 9.1

胆机模拟器 Tube Sound For Foobar2000 v0.9x
一个真空管音色模拟插件,有延时、柔化、压限等效果,让Foobar2000发出胆味十足的声音。这个是支持Foobar2000 v0.9x的版本

AMIP now playing (AMIP now playing)
Complete now-playing plug-in for mIRC, PIRCH, Klient, Bersirc, other IRC and Mail clients, supporting full player control from mIRC, playlist search, clipboard integration, HTTP, dynamic image signatures, etc. Now with MSN Messenger and Skype support.
Main features in brief:
- providing any song information to IRC clients (mIRC, PIRCH, Klient, Bersirc)
- quick playlist search called by global hotkey and supporting regular expressions
- making file signatures for e-mail clients with np: song info
- making dynamic image signatures to be used in forums
- clipboard integration to provide song information to any application
- controlling player by commands from IRC clients
- tight integration with your mIRC scripts
- complete variables, functions and features documentation in CHM format including samples
- free

查看完整版本: Foobar2000 Ver 9.1 及