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krishino - 2002/9/3 17:28:00
2002-09-03 10:39:48

Computer Associates International公司近日宣布推出了一些应用在分布式以及大型Linux系统当中的管理解决方案。这些解决方案的问世,充分表达了该公司努力满足客户在企业级Linux管理方面要求的决心。

  Computer Associates Middle East (CA-ME)的主管AbdulAziz Al-Salloum表示:“中东地区的客户在过去的几个月里面已经对Linux 表现了极大的兴趣。而CA-ME则要紧盯客户的需求,不断为他们提供能够和现有IT环境相结合的最好的解决方案”

  针对大型Linux环境,CA 推出了新版本的 Unicenter Software Delivery 以及Unicenter Asset Management 。另外还推出了beta版本的 Unicenter ServicePlus Service Desk 和BrightStor Enterprise Backup。而对分布式Linux环境,CA 则奉献了 eTrust Admin 等产品。

  这样,CA 先后为分布式/大型Linux计算机系统提供了50多个产品,涉及管理、安全、 维护等诸多方面。

  CA 公司非常重视和Linux界的联系与合作。该公司的产品能够在Caldera, Red Hat, SuSE, Turbolinux等公司的产品下很好地工作。此外, CA 还和UnitedLinux 关系密切,确保自己的产品能够和UnitedLinux兼容。


krishino - 2002/9/3 17:31:00
CA extends Linux management leadership with new solutions

Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) today announced several additions to its industry-leading portfolio of management solutions for distributed and mainframe Linux implementations.

Dubai, UAE
These new solutions underscore the company's unrivaled commitment to fulfilling customers' requirements for enterprise-class Linux management solutions.

“The Middle East has shown great interest in Linux adoption over the last several months, and CA-ME will continue to stay at the forefront of the Linux revolution, providing our valued regional customers with leading solutions that are able to be fully integrated with their existing IT environments,” said AbdulAziz Al-Salloum, Managing Director of Computer Associates Middle East (CA-ME).

For mainframe Linux environments, CA has released new versions of Unicenter Software Delivery and Unicenter Asset Management and beta releases of Unicenter ServicePlus Service Desk and BrightStor Enterprise Backup. For distributed Linux environments, CA has released a new version of eTrust Admin and several BrightStor options and agents.
CA offers more than 50 distributed and mainframe solutions that enable customers to manage, secure, preserve and integrate Linux implementations across their heterogeneous enterprises.

“The ability to run a multitude of well-managed virtual servers on a mainframe makes the zSeries the platform of choice for Linux at our company,” said Bill Dickson, systems manager at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.

“CA's integrated systems management and security solutions for VM and Linux provide exactly what we need to protect our mainframe Linux investments. The CA solutions also integrate easily into our existing management infrastructure and enable our staff to fully leverage their current skill sets.”

CA has worked closely with the Linux community to ensure full compatibility of its solutions with all major distributions including Caldera, Red Hat, SuSE, and Turbolinux. In addition, CA is working with the new UnitedLinux initiative to ensure compliance within their new releases.

“CA has consistently demonstrated its ability to deliver integrated solutions that run on, support and manage the industry's leading computing platforms and operating systems,” said John Pincomb, vice president of marketing at CA. “By ensuring the integrity of enterprise Linux resources, CA management solutions make it possible for our customers to embrace Linux as an equal and integrated partner in even the most complex and heterogeneous IT environments.”
cco_mtv - 2002/9/3 17:32:00
krishino - 2002/9/3 17:33:00
最初由 cco_mtv 发布

micostone - 2002/9/3 17:34:00
变相传销,小广告,建议删掉. :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :p
cco_mtv - 2002/9/3 17:34:00
最初由 krishino 发布


krishino - 2002/9/3 17:35:00
最初由 micostone 发布
变相传销,小广告,建议删掉. :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :p


krishino - 2002/9/3 17:36:00
最初由 cco_mtv 发布


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