
首页 » 休闲 » 水淹虫窝 » 虫族音乐 » RIVER OF DREAMS(夢河)
wenwenfly - 2004/2/19 17:26:00

Lyrics :

River of dreams take me with you tonight
Lying in your arms we’ll drift to
Islands of wonder that gleam and glow
Under the stars
As we glide through the dark
To the heart of the night

River of dreams gently hold me again
I remember all you told me
All of the secrets you whispered as we crept away
From the daylight and melted back into the night

Was I awake or did I dream
The kiss of waves
The silver slipstream
That tumbles as it turns again towards the sea

River of dreams softly flowing away
Let me follow where you are going
And make me a part of you
Deep in the heart of you
Let my reflection be clear
In the water of life
That tumbles as it turns again towards the night

That tumbles as it turns again towards the night

海莉出生於紐西蘭基督城,從小愛唱歌,天賦清亮無瑕的絕美嗓音,以及純淨無壓的自然唱腔,讓她小小年紀,即以奇蹟般的天使之音,從南半球的冠軍歌手,一躍成為國際歌壇最受矚目的閃亮新星!一開始因為好奇好玩自行壓製 CD ,到街頭賣藝、贈送親友,卻令鄉親父老驚為天人、口耳相傳,天使之音透過媒體逐漸傳播開來,全紐西蘭男女老幼無不為其歌聲傾倒!於紐西蘭發行的首張專輯,不但蟬聯 4 週冠軍,打敗數位流行樂壇前輩,還輕鬆拿下銷售三白金,紐西蘭歌壇新小天后之名不脛而走。後由國際唱片大廠 DECCA 信心向全球推薦,人如其名、歌如其人的首張全球錄音—「純淨」因此誕生,純淨大地—紐西蘭的驕傲,現在全世界都聽得見!

「純淨」專輯中,海莉結合了人與自然共存之美,演唱極具特色的紐西蘭傳統部落毛利 (Maori) 歌謠「波卡列卡列安那」( Pokarekare Ana ),海莉的歌聲無懈可擊,動人的詮釋更是無可取代。古典名曲注入時代新意後的「別說再見」( Never Say Goodbye )柔軟人心,還有愛情小品主打歌「黑月亮」( Who Painted The Moon Black ),猶如空谷天籟,曲曲將海莉的透明音色質感再完美昇華,只消幾個音符,聽者無不立時被純淨美聲徹底征服!
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