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恋曲20N0 - 2004/4/16 3:31:00

Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world,I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport.

General opinions makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed,but I don't see that.Seems to me that love is everywhere.

Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there.
Fathers and sons,mothers and daughters,husbands and wives,boyfriends,girlfriends,old friends.

When the planes hit the Twin Towers,as far as I know,none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge,they were all messages of love.

If you look for it,I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around...



    《BJ单身日记》、《新娘百分百》编剧李查寇蒂斯导演处女作《爱是您 爱是我》,超强卡司涵盖:英国人气小生休葛兰、《理性与感性》银幕情侣档艾玛汤普森/亚伦瑞克曼、《BJ单身日记》柯林佛斯、《神鬼奇航》新进女星绮拉奈特莉、《辛德勒的名单》连恩尼逊、《楚门的世界》女主角罗拉琳妮、《凸槌特派员》罗温艾金森、《世界末日》比利鲍伯松顿、英国BBC人气影集《办公室笑云》(The Office)男主角马丁福里曼、英国女歌手玛婷与纵横英国娱乐圈超过20年的老牌巨星比尔奈伊等。

    原声带生动捕捉在影像中流转的爱情气氛:英国女力组合Girls Aloud放电翻玩Pointer Sisters 1983年全美季军曲Jump (For My Love),酷劲直袭英国金榜亚军;3座全英音乐奖才女歌手Dido以全英TOP 10抒情佳作Here With Me注入爱情暖流;偶像选秀节目冠军女生Kelly Clarkson以The Trouble With Love Is重现冠军曲A Moment Like This的浓烈深情;独拥2003年7座葛莱美奖的都会心情女声Norah Jones以Turn Me On泛起爵士情调;过世后专辑横扫英伦的华盛顿特区才女Eve Cassidy吉他弹唱Fleetwood Mac团员Christine McVie执笔老歌Songbird,真切情怀温暖心头;Billboard热门潜力榜肯定的洛杉矶五人团Maroon 5的摇滚小品Sweetest Goodbye融合雷鬼与嘻哈神韵;比尔奈伊挂名剧中角色Bill Mack,将Wet Wet Wet冠军曲Love Is All Around无厘头改唱成圣诞歌曲Christmas Is All Around抢足锋头。摇滚团Texas、英国最佳灵魂美声Gabrielle、三人女力组合Sugababes纷纷捎来年度新作。当然也少不了Billboard世纪奖得主Joni Mitchell、冲浪摇滚经典团The Beach Boys、灵魂乐传奇Otis Redding的隽永名曲。原声带同时选录由《红磨坊》、《人骨拼图》电影配乐家Craig Armstrong所创作的两段温情真爱乐章。

1. The Trouble With Love Is - Kelly Clarkson - 3:42
2. Here With Me - Dido - 4:15
3. Sweetest Goodbye/Sunday Morning - Maroon 5 - 5:46
4. Turn Me On - Norah Jones - 2:34
5. Take Me as I Am - Wyclef Jean / Sharissa - 4:18
6. Songbird - Eva Cassidy - 3:45
7. Wherever You Will Go - Calling - 3:29
8. Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters - 4:23
9. Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell - 5:46
10. All You Need Is Love - Hall, Lynden David - 3:30
11. God Only Knows - Beach Boys - 2:54
12. I'll See It Through - Texas - 4:05
13. Too Lost in You - Sugababes - 4:13
14. Glasgow Love Theme - Craig Armstrong - 2:05
15. White Christmas - Otis Redding - 3:07
16. Christmas Is All Around - Billy Mack - 3:50
17. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Olivia Olson - 3:27

下载地址: ... ctually@bigblue.rar

ps:电影也非常好看. :A:
xiaoqirona - 2006/4/22 19:50:00
isabelle - 2006/5/7 21:44:00
6. Songbird - Eva Cassidy 最喜欢这首
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