
首页 » 休闲 » 水淹虫窝 » 虫族音乐 » 蓝雨衣 刚用LAME VBR压缩好的
小虫 - 2004/6/7 19:21:00
蓝雨衣- 经典发烧唱片
演唱:Jennifer Warnes(珍妮佛.华恩丝)

介绍: "蓝雨衣"是十年前的一张畅销发烧碟。Cohen和德国女歌手Jennifer Warnes的合作创造了这张风靡一时的唱片。总的特点是比较典雅,清灵,有一种流动感。倒是比较配合唱片的整体风格。"You’d been to the station, to meet every train;But you came home alone, without LilliMarlene……".歌声悠悠传来,把人的思绪一下子带到了遥远的年代:灰色的背景中犹如上演着一部老式黑白电影。朦胧的人群,阴郁的天空似二战电影中某个生离死别的场景---车轮滚滚,火车在隆隆声中逐渐远去,留下站台上伤心欲绝的情人。实际上,"蓝雨衣"是Cohen写给一位朋友的信,是一场男人之间的对话和感情交流。信中语句大致反映出一段发生在3个好友之间的感情故事。很奇怪这首歌竟然都由女歌手来演唱。Jennifer Warnes和Joan Baez都将最后的署名唱成"Sincerely, a friend",而Tori Amos则直接署名"Sincerely, L.Cohen"以示对Cohen的尊重。Tori Amos通过自己独特的嗓音以及钢琴伴奏,最完美地表达了Cohen的情感。(当然,其中肯定倾注了她自己的经历和感受。) 一贯的低吟浅唱加上跌宕起伏的琴音,Tori Amos将一段深藏以久的往事娓娓道来,歌中透出的情与仇,爱与恨,伤心和欢乐,无奈与坚持,过去和现在,一切的情结都好似一场浓得化不开的雾,令人深深陷 入其中。在深夜静心聆听,心绪涤荡难以自抑……

1 First We Take Manhattan
2 Bird On A Wire
3 Famous Blue Raincoat
4 Joan Of Arc
5 Ain t No Cure For Love
6 Coming Back To You
7 Song Of Bernadette
8 A Singer Must Die
9 Came So Far For Beauty

1 First We Take Manhattan试听

[mp3]http://www.nbuser.com/djmusic/002 CDImage.MP3[/mp3]
走走停停 - 2004/6/7 19:25:00
madasoft - 2004/6/7 19:25:00
小虫 - 2004/6/7 19:26:00
明天转到音乐区 这里人气好啊
走走停停 - 2004/6/7 19:28:00
百吉 - 2004/6/7 19:42:00
走走停停 - 2004/6/7 19:46:00
小虫 - 2004/6/7 19:46:00
http://www.nbuser.com/djmusic/002 CDImage.MP3

流氓天使 - 2004/6/7 19:49:00
sphinxj - 2004/6/7 20:05:00
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小虫 - 2004/6/7 20:07:00
juzi - 2004/6/7 20:15:00
小虫 - 2004/6/7 20:16:00
Originally posted by 小虫 at 2004-6-7 07:46 PM:
http://www.nbuser.com/djmusic/002 CDImage.MP3

CALER - 2004/11/19 16:03:00
First We Take Manhatten
(A cover of a track by Leonard Cohen)

They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I coming now I coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I guided by a signal in the heavens
I guided by this birthmark on my skin
I guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station
I told you I told you I told you I was one of those

You loved me as a loser but now your worried that I just might win
You know the way to stop me but you don have the discipline
How many nights I prayed for this: to let my work begin
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I don like your fashion business, mister
I don like these drugs that keep you thin
I don like what happened to your sister
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

And I thank you for those items that you sent me
The monkey and the plywood violin
I practiced every night and now I ready
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Remember me, I used to live for music
Remember me, I brought your groceries in
It Father Day and everybody wounded
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
perfectblue - 2004/11/19 16:07:00
dildo - 2004/11/19 19:50:00
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