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micostone - 2004/6/25 11:26:00


风格: Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) British Trad Rock(英国传统摇滚) Britpop(英伦摇滚) Hard Rock(硬摇滚) Rock & Roll(摇滚)

    Oasis 是近十年来英国最受欢迎和最受评论家承认的乐队之一;他们在将英国的guitar-pop 推向顶峰的过程中起了不小的作用。

  这个来自曼彻斯特的演唱组沿袭了 Stones 和 the Who 的粗糙灰暗的形象,融合了 Beatles 的曲调并带有明显的英国抒情色彩的主题。他们将这一切用吉他的吼叫声串起来。而他们的挑衅式的讥笑可以和 Sex Pistols 的叛逆与 Stone Rose 的傲慢自大媲美。

  起初,组合是由 Liam Gallagher , Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs , Paul McGuigan , 和 Tony McCaroll 几个同学组成的. 他们最初是为 Stone Roses 做吉他伴奏。当 Noel Gallagher 回到曼彻斯特是发现他的兄弟成立了一个乐队后便提出要加入。但是前提是他能够完全的控制这个组合,其中包括创作所有的歌曲;乐队的其他成员同意了他的提议并将乐队更名为 Oasis 。

  在经历了大量的俱乐部演出之后,乐队引起了 Creation 唱片的老板 Alan McGee 的注意并聆听了他们的样带。

  在与 Creation 唱片签约后,小组在1994年推出了第一张单曲 " Supersonic "。歌曲 " Shakermaker " 成为了初夏的热门歌曲。在首张专辑出版前一个月推出的单曲 " Live Forever "成为英格兰的热门单曲。

  小组的首张唱片 Definitely Maybe 成为英国历史上卖的最快的处女碟。Oasis 热持续了整整一个1994年,小组开始在更大的剧场中演出,每一首新歌都是演出的压轴戏。但是小组内部的关系开始变的紧张。当 “ Supersonic ” 开始在美国打榜时,non-LP, String-laden 的“ Whatever ”登上了英国圣诞节期间的排行榜第二名。

  在1995年初,小组着眼与美国,推出单曲 " Live Forever "。这首歌成为MTV,album rock 和 modern rock 电台的热门歌曲并登上排行榜第二名。Definitely Maybe 在美国售得金唱片。回到英格兰后,小组录制了新的单曲 " Some Might Say "。在发布的前夜,鼓手 Tony McCaroll 与乐队分道扬镳了,Alan White 顶替了他的位置。" Some Might Say " 在五月一经推出即高居排行榜的榜首。它的成功使小组以前的单曲又重新走红起来。Oasis 在那个夏天完成了他们的第二张专辑 ( What's the Story ) Morning Glory? 并在1995年十月推出。一经推出,这张专辑即急蹿至排行榜榜首,并成为既 Michael Jackson的 Bad 之后卖的最快的专辑。

   在1996年,Oasis 热成了世界现象。凭借着单曲 " Wonderwall ",Morning Glory 成为美国十大专辑之一,并最终获得五白金唱片;它也登上了欧洲和亚洲的 Top Ten .在1996年,Gallaghers 的关系不和成为八卦新闻的热门。在Oasis 取消了美国之行后,他们集中精力录制第三张专辑。Be Here Now 在1997年秋推出,单曲 " D'You Know What I Mean " 大获全胜。

Wonderwall 是 OASIS的经典,相信无人反对。
这首出自Whats the Story Morning Glory这张让OASIS一夜成名的专辑,也是继国最畅销的专辑Beatles的Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band


Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realised what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
but I don't know how

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realised what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now

And all the roads that lead you there were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
dido - 2004/6/25 14:13:00
走走停停 - 2004/6/26 22:59:00
sophia1983 - 2004/6/27 0:58:00
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