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cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:23:00
by beer (beer) at 2004.5.22 09:24

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
据本人理解,MBA 方向大致如下 (如有遗漏,请补充)

1. Consulting / General Management
去向一般是咨询公司做Consultant 或去大公司做Management, 这一方向起薪高,但对语言要求也高,非英语母语的人要慎重选择。
这一方向是LOCAL TOP MBA的Favorite之一。包含如下小方向:
- Strategy Consulting (McKinsey, BCG etc.)
- Management Consulting (Mercer)
- Specialized Consulting (IT Consulting, Supply Chain Consulting etc.)
缺点是工作时间长,没有自己的LIFE STYLE。
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2. Finance
(1)Investment Banking / Merger & Acquisition (all the major banks)
缺点也是FACE TIME很重要,工作时间长,没有自己的LIFE STYLE。
(2) Trading (Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives etc.)
(3) Merchant Banking / Private Equity / Asset Management
(4)Investment Research (Equity, Fixed Income etc.)
(5)Financial Risk Management < r o l i a. n e t >
(6)Commercial Banking
主要是的发展企业客户的信贷业务,需要做行业分析,企业分析(战略,竞争,市场等),和FINANCIAL ANALYSIS。也较有挑战性。
(7)Corporate Finance

3. Marketing (这一块本人不熟,不做过多介绍)
Kellog MBA 应是这方面的泰斗。
- Branding, Advertising
- Marketing Strategy, Marketing Analysis
{ 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }
4. Technology Management
- Industry Management (IT, Manufacturing .......)
- Project Management
- Others

5. Supply Chain / Logistics / Operations Management

6. Others (请各位补充)

因时间,水平有限,先写这些,希望能起到抛砖引玉的效果。祝各位好运。 < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:23:00
顶!好文! 再补充两个偏一点的专业:HR,SMALL BUNIESS
by 7y7 (醉里吴音) at 2004.5.23 09:14

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
HR是本地人为主的专业,即使本地人也挺难找工作。前几年经济不好,有个同学3年里被勒2次,和做MARKETING的同学打平 :—(

SMALL BUSINESS一部分是针对小业主,怎么提高中小型企业管理水平。也可以给政府有关部门做CONSULTING,加拿大经济以中小企业为主,政府在扶持方面下了很多功夫。MBA因为身价高一般是给大企业培养的,这个专业好像不多。

对BEER的几点补充: [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]

我拿到过唯一的银行面试是CUSTOMER REP。对于缺乏工作经验的MBA毕业生,这可能是进银行最容易的职位。MBA做REP一般是接待大客户,大企业觉得比较有面子吧。有些要求说英语、法语。 < r o l i a. n e t >


4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }

5. SCM
P.LOG是行业最硬的证书,必备的敲门砖。 < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:23:00
我读的学校一般,地点又偏,所以来招人的很少 :-)
by 7y7 (醉里吴音) at 2004.5.23 11:17



另,不知BEER大虾有兴趣参加YAHOO GROUP么?请给我来个E: evesun21@yahoo.com
你要能来说几句,追随者如云 :-)
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:24:00
读MBA以前觉得MBA一定要读最好的学校的,起码是加拿大最好的学校之一的. 但是...
by dwhite (haha) at 2004.5.24 02:40

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
毕业之后才发现加国的雇主对你是哪一所学校的毕业的并不是多么看中.感觉好象是所谓的:烂"校的MBA也一样很有前途. 当然我没有任何小看你的意思,相反对你的坦诚很欣赏.其实我觉得不管哪所学校毕业, MBA的成功要看这个人潜质, 以前的专业背景,充满信心的追求,洋溢的活力和热情, 以及最重要的运气.同时我也有看到很多的"一般"学校的MBA们也都很出色,顺利或是成功. 象我们中国人MBA多数都是在30岁上下才毕业的,所以从家庭看,从语言文化背景看,从个人的生活状况看, CONSULTING和I-BANKING真的不太合适我们的.也许我们可以进到这些领域, 但是你为之付出的代价也是很高的. 美国TOP10的MBA在WALL STREET工作的人很多都只有26.27岁. 和他们接触以后有这样的感觉,就是在SUPER SATURDAY后那到个OFFER(150-200K)一阵狂喜,然后准备每周工作90-100小时,这样持续5-6年, 那时在那条街上做的MBA们应该可以期望500K的年收入了, 没有家庭,单身生活,连洗澡都会在办公室里,可以攒下个2-3M,就跳槽到轻松的部门或自己开个公司.
所以说我们中国人聪明, WALL STREET不好去,去了也不好玩, 不如踏踏实实地或做传统银行工作,或找个大企业做FINANCE. 我觉得这是我们第一代移民比较现实稳当的途经.
77和BEER都是很理智的聪明人. 20几岁的人只知道什么都能做, 30岁以后才知道很多事情是做不来的, 这就是成熟呀. 所以PRE-MBA们, 别只想CONSULTING和I-BANKING, 拿出一半的热情和努力,你一样会在你熟悉的领域里成功的.
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:37:00

by beautiful-life (塞翁失马) at 2002.8.2 00:01

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
The strongest candidates competing to gain admission to graduate business schools are focused on their careers; they are clear about what is needed to get there and what it takes to be successful. Can you compete favorably? The only way to answer this question is to go through a self-assessment process
that will help you identify your personal and career goals—prior to looking at business schools (b-schools).

The MBA is a professional degree designed for people who need formalized training across the business disciplines, to capitalize on one or more specific areas of business. The MBA program length is too short to provide you with sufficient time to discover an affinity for a particular business profession while in school. Therefore, b-school admissions counselors expect to see evidence of your professional interests to ensure that you will take full advantage of the MBA.

Following are a few sure signs that you are not ready for b-school:
•When asked about post-MBA career aspirations, you give vague responses such as: “I want to manage people,” or “I want to be in management.”
• You do not have a clear idea what to do with, much less without, an MBA.
• You seek to avoid the job market by buying additional time in school, in an attempt to determine what to do.

Exhibiting undirected thinking or behavior might prevent you from gaining admission to an MBA program. More importantly, you will limit your return on investment if you blindly choose a school or are ill-prepared to take advantage of its educational opportunities. The MBA is very different from other graduate degrees,
in which academic promise is considered paramount in the admissions process. At a minimum, b-school admissions officers consider career history and aspirations, evidence of leadership potential, and academic achievement. Therefore, the typical MBA candidate has several years of fulltime, post-undergraduate work experience in some responsible capacity. who present themselves and
their credentials well. < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:39:00

by beautiful-life (塞翁失马) at 2002.8.2 00:03

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
A good self-assessment process will help you establish specific career and educational goals that utilize your strengths and address weaknesses. Lacking specific goals, you will be searching for a school
without direction. How will you eliminate options, much less make a choice you will be happy with in the end? How will you determine whether the MBA experience was a good value? Whenever you are considering major changes in your life, self-assessment can help you clarify your goals and make wise decisions.

Develop clear answers to the following questions: < r o l i a. n e t >
• Why do you want or need an MBA?
• Do you have evidence from people in your chosen field that the MBA is a logical next step for you?
• Do you have natural aptitudes that others notice? Do those skills lend
• Do you feel strongly about some function and/or industry within business? { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }
• Do you need any additional resources (training, financial, personal, or professional)
to achieve your long-term plans?
• Are you ready to be a student again? Do you have the discipline and drive?
• How will you fund your MBA education?
• If you do not pursue an MBA, what are your options? < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:41:00
3)Rewards and Risks of MBA ( S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T and D I R E C T I O N)

by beautiful-life (就快解放了) at 2002.8.9 11:20

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T A N D D I R E C T I O N :

• Identifying b-schools that correspond to your interests and aptitudes especially in curriculum,
placement, and reputation.
• Establishing a clear direction on which courses to take, which faculty relationships to cultivate, which companies or industries to research and track, and where you need to network. Moreover, because you can identify the critical elective courses early, you can acquire the appropriate knowledge to showcase technical skills required for specific job interviews.
• Developing rewarding relationships with classmates who share your interests. [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
• Achieving a significant return on your investment of time and money in an MBA education.

S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T A N D D I R E C T I O N :

• Enrolling in one b-school only to realize that another school would have better suited your
objectives both academically and professionally. (Note: Most b-schools do not readily accept transfer
candidates, much less course work.)
• Remaining undecided when you must choose your concentration of study and register for elective courses. (See Aligning MBA Functional Specialties with Career Paths, page 8.)
• Deciding on your career goals too late—resulting in missed MBA job opportunities.
• Failing to develop a network of professionals in your chosen field.
•Wasting valuable time and money in the hopes of figuring out what you want to do.

Yes, MBAs earn big money, but…
{ 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }
MBAs are prepared to be accountable for employees, budgets, deadlines, and other major responsibilities. Are you?

Higher incomes carry with them greater risks associated with increased responsibilities. MBAs
know that their jobs are on the line.

Employers expect MBAs to produce stellar work and maintain demanding hours. Most MBAs accept all of the above demands because they are truly < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >interested in their fields. Pursue your business interests first, and the money should follow.
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:43:00

by beautiful-life (就快解放了) at 2002.8.9 11:23

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
Perhaps the best way you can prepare yourself for potential careers is to talk to people who are doing the type of work you might want to pursue. This process is called “informational interviewing.”

The value of informational interviewing is that you are not under any pressure to sell yourself as you would be in a job interview. You are simply using the meeting as an opportunity to get advice and information on possible career paths. Professionals, who may be less willing to talk to you as a job applicant, will often take the time to share their experiences and offer advice as you move through the
b-school process.

As you near MBA graduation, individuals in your network should know you well and may assist in your job search in the early stages of networking, you should cultivate at least one mentor. At this stage, it is not necessary for you to know the job you want with 100% certainty, but you must at least have some
direction. If not, you are not ready for business school. < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:46:00

by beautiful-life (就快解放了) at 2002.8.9 11:28

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
So far, you have determined one or more interesting industries or job functions, and you have gathered information from individuals in those fields. This information has shown you the merits of an MBA degree.

The next step is to evaluate the financial implications of your potential MBA investment. Graduate school is likely to be the most substantial investment you will ever make in yourself. Given that 70% of MBAs borrow funds to pay for their education, ask yourself if you are willing to make a similar commitment.
Before proceeding further, you must weigh the costs and benefits of pursuing an MBA.

• Look at the total tuition cost required to complete the degree. This cost may be offset by any scholarships you may receive based on your relative competitiveness. Note: If you are planning to pursue your degree anywhere other than in your country of citizenship, your associated costs will be higher. Keep in mind, if scholarships are not available to you, your ability to borrow might be severely limited both in your home country and in the country where you wish to study.
• Weigh lost income against improved job flexibility and the ability to return to the job market at a higher salary.
• If considering a part-time program, weigh the value of remaining employed and spreading out tuition payments against the prospects of staying at a pre-MBA salary longer. Also consider whether tuition reimbursement (if offered by your employer) is worth the obligation and reduced career mobility.
• Anticipate loan interest and principal repayment schedules.
• If applicable, factor in relocation expenses and the differential in living expenses once you are in school.
• Do not forget MBA school search and job search costs, including application fees and corporate networking visits.

• The education opens doors to a range of employment opportunities across industries.
• The degree provides a foundation for upward career mobility and expanded management responsibility.
• An MBA program teaches you how to increase your marketability.
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:47:00
TIP: Use your network and informational interviews to determine:

by beautiful-life (就快解放了) at 2002.8.9 11:32

• if a certain career path still seems appealing to you after learning more about it;
• if an MBA seems essential, or helpful, to individuals in that career path;
• whether a particular type of prior work experience or MBA internship seems important;
• what gaps exist in your background, experience, or training that could prevent you from achieving your goals;
• if there are ways to enter your chosen field without an MBA;
• what expectations and preferences employers in a particular industry may
have; and
• how to fine-tune your career plans and related school objectives.
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 16:50:00
Who Should Get an MBA -- And Who Shouldn't (FWD)
by map (恭喜) at 2002.5.8 20:44

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
An MBA can be expensive; this year’s Stanford tuition, for example, is more than $31,000. And getting an MBA will consume two years of your life, if you’re in a full-time program.

Obviously, then, before spending your time and money applying to school, you should decide if you really want and need an MBA.

Who Should Get an MBA: People With a Plan
Business school isn’t for the clueless; it isn’t meant to be a two-year placeholder in your middle or late 20s. Business schools look for people with a career plan that includes a legitimate need for an MBA -- so even though it’s okay to go to b-school without being sure what you want to do with your life, you should think about possible career goals, and whether attainment of them would be made easier with an MBA, before applying.

You won’t be doing yourself any favors by going to b-school without direction or focus. If you haven’t narrowed your focus at all, you’ll probably be too swamped to do justice to career-direction decisions once school starts.

Who Should Get an MBA: People With Experience [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
Business schools focus on enrolling students with at least some real-world experience; the average student at a top business school is in his or her middle or late 20s. Why? For one thing, schools feel that if you have some experience, you’ll have a better idea of how business works and what you’d like to do with your life than if you’re fresh out of college.

In addition, if you have experience in industry you’ll have more to contribute to your peers. One of the drawing cards of business school is the opportunity to learn from your peers -- but of course that’s only possible when you and your peers have something to teach each other.

If you’re a college student who’s dead-set on going straight to business school, you shouldn’t necessarily fret. But you need to know that, to get into a top school, you’ll need significant business-related coursework, a compelling reason for getting your MBA now rather than later, and impressive internship or temporary work experience.

Who Should Get an MBA: Leaders and Would-Be Leaders
The MBA is not essential for a leadership role in business – plenty of top executives got where they are by moving up through the ranks – but business school can be a great weigh station on the road to a leadership-oriented career.

By the time you graduate, you’ll have spent thousands of hours in class or on group projects reading about, thinking about, and talking about a wide variety of businesses. As a result, you’ll be better equipped than ever to make high-level business decisions. < r o l i a. n e t >

And you’ll probably spend some time studying “softer,” people-focused coursework and projects, which will give you tools that will help you manage people in the pursuit of business goals.

Who Should Get an MBA: Career Changers
In business school, you’ll get a chance to think through a wide range of business problems in a wide range of industries. You’ll gain the skills needed to perform a variety of specific job functions. Having an MBA can make you attractive to a range of employers no matter what industry you worked in before b-school.

Who Should Get an MBA: People in Industries that Require the MBA for Advancement
In some industries and job functions very few people hired as college grads are promoted to more advanced positions.

On Wall Street, for example, people in sales and trading often can advance without a graduate education, but at most firms an MBA is necessary for advancing in a banking career. And the need for an MBA may be even greater in consulting. { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }

Who Shouldn’t Get an MBA: People Who Want More Academic Focus than an MBA Offers
Whatever unique MBA program you might attend, the MBA is still a general business-management degree, designed to train people in a variety of topics to help them run a business. Some people are more interested in learning deeply about a single business-related subject, such as accounting or economics. If you’re one of these people, you should seek out a specialized graduate-degree program in your subject of interest.

Who Shouldn’t Get an MBA: Some Entrepreneurs
For some entrepreneurial types, the opportunity cost of going to b-school can be too great to justify taking two years away from work. Those with a great idea might blow the chance to be first to market with that idea; those already in entrepreneurial work situations can lose the opportunity to grow a business in the real world.

On the other hand, there are some good reasons for entrepreneurs to consider business school. You’ll get exposure to a wide range of business issues that should make you more equipped to run a business. You’ll learn about better ways of managing people. And if you’ve got a great idea but no capital with which to make your entrepreneurial dream a reality, business school can plug you into a network that can help you find funding.

Who Shouldn’t Get an MBA: Those Without a Deep Desire for a Business Career < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
Artists, writers, craftspeople, scientists -- these and others like them rarely have reason to get an MBA. Of course, there are exceptions: for instance, the craftsperson who wants to start a business, the scientist who wants to work in management for a biotech company, the business journalist, and so on.
sarena - 2004/6/3 20:01:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 20:10:00
sarena - 2004/6/3 20:13:00
没有pay attention,真是失败
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 20:17:00

I don't know what to say, really. Three minutes...till the biggest battle of our professional lives. All comes down today. Either we heal as a team...or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play, till we're finished. We're in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us...or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb out of hell...one inch at a time. Now, I can't do it for you. I'm too old. I look around, I see these young faces, and I think...I mean I made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I aha, I pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who's ever loved me. And lately, I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror. You know, when you get old in life, things get taken from you. I mean, that's part of life. But you only learn that when you start losing stuff. You find out life's this game of inches. So it football. Because in either game, life or football...the margin for error is so small...I mean one-half a step too late or early, and you don't quite make it. One half-second too slow, too fast, you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team, we fight for that inch.
On this team, we tell ourselves and everyone else around us, to pieces for that inch.
We claw with our fingernails for that inch...because we know when we add up all those inches...that's gonna make the fucking difference between winning and losing!
Between living and dying! I'll tell you this. In any fight...it's the guy who's willing to die who's gonna win that inch. And I know if I'm gonna have any life anymore...it's because I'm still willing to fight and die for that inch. Because that's what living is! The six inches in front of your face. Now, I can't make you do it! You gotta look at the guy next to you! Look into his eyes! I think you're gonna see a guy who'll go that inch with you! You're gonna see a guy...who will sacrifice himself for this team...because he knows, when it comes down to it...you're gonna do the same for him! That's a team, gentlemen! And either we heal now, as a team...or we will die as individuals. That's football, guys. That's all it is. Now...what are you gonna do?

[ Last edited by cloud_zhou on 2004-6-3 at 04:23 AM ]
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/3 20:20:00
sarena - 2004/6/3 20:35:00
echox - 2004/6/4 10:48:00
cloud 学法语了吗? just interested
cloud_zhou - 2004/6/4 11:16:00
no, 法语这个东西多少还是要学一点,打算以后作为选修课,以后有机会吃法国菜时,还能点两个菜:s:
echox - 2004/6/8 18:34:00
warfactory2010 - 2004/7/11 6:07:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/7/12 10:13:00
Originally posted by warfactory2010 at 2004-7-10 14:07:

jmh007 - 2004/7/12 11:39:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/7/12 14:22:00
jmh007 - 2004/7/12 14:51:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/7/12 15:11:00
Originally posted by jmh007 at 2004-7-11 22:50:


[ Last ed ...


jmh007 - 2004/7/12 15:33:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/7/12 15:59:00
Originally posted by jmh007 at 2004-7-11 23:32:



[ Last edited by jmh007 on 2004-7-12 at 03:38 PM ]

jmh007 - 2004/7/12 16:08:00
cloud_zhou - 2004/7/12 18:41:00
Originally posted by jmh007 at 2004-7-12 00:08:





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